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Showing posts with label jember. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jember. Show all posts

Teluk Hijau ( Green Bay ) Banyuwangi

Green Bay is a coastal tourism in an area Betiri Meru National Park , Sarongan , Pesanggaran , Banyuwangi . The location is about 90 kilometers from the city of Banyuwangi . So named because of the seawater which tend to be colored green . From Banyuwangi town towards south through Kabat , Rogojampi , Srono , Cluring , until arriving at the intersection of four Jajag village , then turn left . Then the riders arrive at an intersection of four . The rider can take a left oblique direction through the village of Desa Seneporejo Sambirejo and then break Kesilir Market . Or take a straight direction ( through the village of Gambiran , Gambiran - Bangorejo Bridge , then turn left towards Pedotan pass Tugu Tani monument Gunungsari and P. Kusno , then arrived at the intersection of four and turn right to arrive at the intersection Pedotan .